Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Principles of Communications -- Michaelmas Term 2016....weak ate (to Nov 30)

This week, wra up with Ad hoc Net capacity&coding tricks
+ systems structures
+ Course Overview - including 2 missing pieces
1/ didnt cover shared media (as was done in 1b)
2/ didn't cover traffic engineering&signaling (rsvp) as most the principles already covered in other lectures earlier in term (open & closed loop control, optimisation and fibbing).

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Principles of Communications -- Michaelmas Term 2016....week 7 (to Nov 25)

scheduling & switching last week and this week - some associated info:

huis clos shows up in multicores, routers, and data centers:-)

will not cover shared media, friday, as was done in 1b physical & dala link layer really nicely already, so revise that - 
instead, will move on to ad hoc/mobile networking capacity *might talk about opportunistic networks and firechat too:-)

Friday, November 11, 2016

Principles of Communications -- Michaelmas Term 2016....week 5 (to Nov 11)

This week was feedback control, theory &
optimization (routing and congestion pricing)...a bit math/algebra/calculus heavy methinks (supervisions should work through one or two examples of a PID controller for different systems
and how you show stability&long term operating point) - next week, real world TCP, then scheduling.

Friday, November 04, 2016

Principles of Communications -- Michaelmas Term 2016....week 4 (to Nov 4)

Have  covered Sticky Random Routing (DAR material here) + Network Coding for TCP

see wikipedia for Gaussian Elimination, + Linear Network Coding articles - best source/explanation I can find

And Open Loop Flow Control (including leaky bucket regulators/policiers)

Next week, closed loop/feedback control, and underlying theory for controller design and stability/efficiency analysis.