Saturday, October 30, 2010

Principles of Communications - End of Week 3

I have just about got to the end of routing
(having fixed, i think, some bugs in the distance vector worked example) -

next week
monday, wrap up multicast/mobile routing

error control
and maybe start flow control

Friday, October 22, 2010

Principles of Communications end of (full) week 2.

Today, I'll finish the graph theory lectures, covering social networks, small world nets, random graphs, alpha/beta and spreading/search.

So we'll have done:
# Introduction1
# Systems
# Layering
# Information Theory
On this topic, John Daugman's notes are great
# Channel Capacity
(not Modulation - this is on hold to end in case we have time)
# Graph Theory
# Social Networks+

On the last topic, this book on Small Worlds by Duncan Watts is a nice read. Another good book on the topic covers more about flows over such networks (information or diseases for example) is
Connected, by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler

That means from monday (and most of next week, oct 25,27,29) we're doing Routing.
If things go to schedule, then subsequent week (nov 1,3,5) will be Error Contol, Queueing Theory and Flow Control.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Principles of Communications...end of first week (15.10.2010)

Should just have got up to first slide set on Information Theory (Entropy)
Monday 18th will start on Shannon - by 22.10.10 hope to get to Graph Theory.

Have just updated online slides (1up and 6up should all print ok now, fingers crossed:)

Friday, October 08, 2010

information theory - live example

powerpoint for lecture on information theory+colour printer -> slides without equations:(

powerpoint for lecture on information theory+mono printer -> slides with equations:)

ergo, colour printer driver is an erasure channel with memory and rather non random behaviour and information rate is massively reduced :-(

pushing this as an example for explaining shannon is a bit of a the sense that the "physical channel" is the printer and the colour printer should have more capacity in some sense, although I suppose the point is that the "noise" process" is an erasure channel that removes (say) bytes that code yellow but not bits that code white/black...