Friday, October 23, 2020

Principles of Communications - Week 3

 By now, we're roughly up to BGP and traffiic engineering - see

Course Sequencing and associated problems

for the timing and also some suggested  problems to tackle as you're folloowing along. Also, I'm intending having a Q&A "drop in" zoom session on Tue Oct 27th, 11-12 - Zoom link is on moodle... 

Email me ahead of time if you have specific questions/things you've tackled you want feedback on! Asynchronous working is a far better way than lots of online meetings in  my experience...

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Principles of Communications - Week 2

 This week we are up to centralised routing, both on paper, and in practice with ways to control MPLS or SR, for example - the Sequence, timing and problems for lectures are online too.

Friday, October 09, 2020

Principles of Communications - Week 1

You should have access to moodle/panopto + lab web pages with cached downloaded mp4s as well.

The intro to the course & to routing section is where we're roughly be up to now.

there's also an index for lecture order & data the material should be "covered' by, plus some suggested simple problems to look at, to test your understanding.

thanks (already) to folks who emailed corrections&bug reports on videos! appreciated - keep 'em comiing!

take care, and hope to see people eventually

